Thursday, May 23, 2013

Okay, finally got my first blog up and running! YAY! ^_^
Anyways, now that that's outta the way, I'll just talk about what this blog's all about. It's basically a place where my pal +Rakkesh Kiren and I can post our ideas for inventions.And maybe a few DIY projects as well, but we're not gonna explicitly concentrate on that for now.
Most of our projects will involve trying to get the magical items in the Harry Potter universe into real life on a student's budget. Yep, we LOVE Harry Potter. And not just the magical world of the young wizard, we'll be looking at items from everything pop culture as well, a geek's treasure trove of ideas await you, so, hop in! Explore! And comment your thoughts on our posts.
Constructive criticism requested.